Edward Ward
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The secret history of the Calves-head Club: or, the republican unmask'd. With a large continuation, and an appendix to the history. ... The seventh ... is annex'd, a vindication of the royal martyr
The Secret History of The Calves-Head Club: or, The Republican Unmask'd. Wherein Is Fully Shewn, The Religion of The Calves-Head Heroes. To Which Is ... King Charles I. By Mr. Butler Sixth Edition
A collection of historical and state poems, satyrs, songs, and epigrams. Being the [fifth] volume of miscellanies. By the author of the London-Spy. ...
The rise and fall of madam Coming-Sir: or, an unfortunate slip from the tavern-bar, into the surgeon's powdering-tub.
Satyrical Reflections on Clubs: In Twenty Nine Chapters. ... By the Author of the London-Spy. Volume IV. of 4; Volume 4
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